mermaid allows you to create diagrams and flowcharts from text in a similar manner as markdown. You can find more information about mermaid from it's website or Github.
Markdown Preview Mermaid Support. Adds Mermaid diagram and flowchart support to VS Code's builtin markdown preview. Create diagrams in markdown using mermaid fenced code blocks. A browser extension for Chrome, Opera & Firefox that adds Mermaid language support to GitHub. Create diagrams using code blocks on GitHub issues, Pull Requests, files: ```mermaid graph TD. The good news is there is a feature request already created to support Mermaid within Bitbucket cloud. You may find this request at Please implement Mermaid markdown live preview. We would suggest voting and watching this request to receive future updates for its status. Github + Mermaid A browser extension for Chrome, Opera & Firefox that adds Mermaid language support to Github Markdown. A list of the best JavaScript drawing libraries. We cover libraries offering a predefined palette of components to reuse as well as lower-level libraries focusing on graph primitives.
edge comment --> ro di{Diamond with
line break} -.-> ro(Rounded
shape) di>ro2(Rounded square shape) end %% Notice that no text in shape are added here instead that is appended further down e --> od3>Really long text with linebreak
in an Odd shape] %% Comments after double percent signs e((Inner / circle
and some odd
special characters)) --> f(,.?!+-*ز) cyr[Cyrillic]-->cyr2((Circle shape Начало)); classDef green fill:#9f6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px; classDef orange fill:#f96,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px; class sq,e green class di orange
long time, so long
that the text does
not fit on a row. Bob-->Alice: Checking with John... Alice->John: Yes... John, how are you?
Github Mermaid Support
prevail... John-->>Alice: Great! John->>Bob: How about you? Bob-->>John: Jolly good!
Github Mermaid Support Text
This was accomplished just by including the mermaid.min.js and mermain.css fileswith one slight modification to the mermain.css file which is shown below.