Anyone can contribute to the project. That includes you. Even if you don't know how to create textures or other assets needed for the pack, there are community members willing to help you learn how. We also have a quick start guide to get you going with resource pack editing. Feel free to ask us any questions on Discord. If you are not sure if a texture you have made is good enough, post it in the appropriate Discord channel and ask for feedback. Someone will hopefully take a good look at it and help you make it better. Remember to always be open to criticism, it will help you improve.
If you don't know what to work on, you can always check our update status page Adobe cs5 for mac serial. or ask on Discord. If you want to find textures posted by others, check out DokuStash. Hd video converter for mac.

Download Minecraft for Windows, Mac and Linux. Download server software for Java and Bedrock, and begin playing Minecraft with your friends. Welcome to the official subreddit of Dokucraft: The Saga Continues. Here you can share anything Dokucraft or Minecraft related with the rest of the community, we will also be posting latest new about the packs here, so subscribe to hear the latest about Dokucraft first! Do post:-Any textures that you have made in the Dokucraft style. Dokucraft: The Saga Continues is the official, community-driven continuation project for Dokucraft, the 32x texture pack for Minecraft, made by doku. History Some time before Minecraft Beta 1.8 was released, doku stopped working on Dokucraft and made all assets free to use for other texture packs. Dokucraft TSC 03/22/21. posted. Skeleton Wolf Artifact. Minecraft Dungeons Aesthetic Mod. Mac address for your pc. Minecraft Dungeons Game Version.
Installing Optifine is optional, but recommended.
- Download the pack from one of the links above.
- Start Minecraft.
- Go to Options -> Resource Packs.
- Click Open resource pack folder.
- Place the pack you downloaded in this folder.
- Select the pack from the Resource Packs menu.
- Enjoy!
About Project
Created Jan 19, 2020
Total Downloads6,925
Dokucraft 64x
BlocksClick for animation info. For credit and pack and information, see the website and Minecraft thread, linked to the left. Actually, go look at the default packs first. This page works best if you already have a DokuCraft TSC pack installed, and just want to change a few textures. Building a pack from scratch with this site won't work terribly well. NOTE: This is not a customiser. There is nothing automated here. This page serves to allocate all of the DokuCraft TSC textures in one place. To use these textures, save them with the filename to the far left of the row, and put them in [username]AppDataRoaming.minecrafttexturepacks[texture pack folder]texturesblocks. Please see the DokuCraft TSC thread for permissions and further information. Filenames SHOULD contain the original name, but will also have a random string at the end. Be sure to delete the random string, or else the texture will not work. oreRedstone.png | oreLapis.png | oreIron.png | oreGold.png | oreEmerald.png | oreDiamond.png | oreCoal.png | netherquartz.png | blockDiamond.png | blockEmerald.png | blockGold.png | blockIron.png | blockLapis.png | blockRedstone.png | blockCoal.png | Stone | whiteStone.png | stoneslab_top.png | stoneslab_side.png | stoneMoss.png | stonebricksmooth_mossy.png | stonebricksmooth_cracked.png | stonebricksmooth_carved.png | stonebricksmooth.png | stonebrick.png | stone.png | sandstone_top.png | sandstone_smooth.png | sandstone_side.png | sandstone_carved.png | sandstone_bottom.png | quartzblock_top.png | quartzblock_side.png | quartzblock_bottom.png | quartzblock_lines.png | quartzblock_lines_top.png | quartzblock_chiseled_top.png | quartzblock_chiseled.png | obsidian.png | netherBrick.png | bedrock.png | brick.png | clayHardened.png | clayHardenedStained_0.png | clayHardenedStained_1.png | clayHardenedStained_2.png | clayHardenedStained_3.png | clayHardenedStained_4.png | clayHardenedStained_5.png | clayHardenedStained_6.png | clayHardenedStained_7.png | clayHardenedStained_8.png | clayHardenedStained_9.png | clayHardenedStained_10.png | clayHardenedStained_11.png | clayHardenedStained_12.png | clayHardenedStained_13.png | clayHardenedStained_14.png | clayHardenedStained_15.png | snow_side.png | snow.png | sand.png | mycel_top.png | mycel_side.png | clay.png | dirt.png | farmland_dry.png | farmland_wet.png | grass_side.png | grass_top.png | gravel.png | hellrock.png | hellsand.png | ice.png | Wood | wood_spruce.png | wood_jungle.png | wood_birch.png | wood.png | tree_top.png | tree_spruce.png | tree_jungle.png | tree_birch.png | tree_side.png | trapdoor.png | doorIron_upper.png | doorIron_lower.png | doorWood_upper.png | doorWood_lower.png | Utilities | workbench_top.png | workbench_side.png | workbench_front.png | piston_top_sticky.png | piston_top.png | piston_side.png | piston_inner_top.png | piston_bottom.png | anvil_base.png | anvil_top.png | anvil_top_damaged_1.png | anvil_top_damaged_2.png | beacon.png | bed_feet_end.png | bed_feet_side.png | bed_feet_top.png | bed_head_end.png | bed_head_side.png | bed_head_top.png | brewingStand_base.png | brewingStand.png | cauldron_bottom.png | cauldron_inner.png | cauldron_side.png | cauldron_top.png | commandBlock.png | dispenser_front.png | dropper_front_vertical.png | dropper_front.png | enchantment_bottom.png | enchantment_side.png | enchantment_top.png | endframe_eye.png | endframe_side.png | endframe_top.png | furnace_front_lit.png | furnace_front.png | furnace_side.png | furnace_top.png | hopper_inside.png | hopper_top.png | hopper.png | jukebox_top.png | vine.png | waterlily.png | tallgrass.png | stem_straight.png | stem_bent.png | sapling_spruce.png | sapling_jungle.png | sapling_birch.png | sapling.png | rose.png | reeds.png | pumpkin_top.png | pumpkin_side.png | pumpkin_jack.png | pumpkin_face.png | potatoes_3.png | potatoes_2.png | potatoes_1.png | potatoes_0.png | netherStalk_2.png | netherStalk_1.png | netherStalk_0.png | mushroom_skin_stem.png | mushroom_skin_red.png | mushroom_skin_brown.png | mushroom_inside.png | mushroom_red.png | mushroom_brown.png | melon_top.png | melon_side.png | cactus_bottom.png | cactus_side.png | cactus_top.png | carrots_3.png | carrots_2.png | carrots_1.png | carrots_0.png | cocoa_2.png | cocoa_1.png | cocoa_0.png | crops_7.png | crops_6.png | crops_5.png | crops_4.png | crops_3.png | crops_2.png | crops_1.png | crops_0.png | deadbush.png | fern.png | flower.png | leaves_jungle_opaque.png | leaves_jungle.png | leaves_opaque.png | leaves.png | leaves_spruce_opaque.png | leaves_spruce.png | Transportation | rail_turn.png | rail.png | activatorRail_powered.png | activatorRail.png | detectorrRail.png | detectorrRail_on.png | goldenRail_powered.png | goldenRail.png | repeater_lit.png | repeater.png | redtorch_lit.png | redtorch.png | redstoneDust_line.png | redstoneDust_cross.png | tripWireSource.png | tripWire.png | tnt_top.png | tnt_side.png | tnt_bottom.png | musicBlock.png | lever.png | comparator_lit.png | comparator.png | daylightDetector_side.png | daylightDetector_top.png | Lighting and Decoration | torch.png | web.png | sponge.png | redstoneLight_lit.png | redstoneLight.png | mobSpawner.png | lightgem.png | bookshelf.png | cake_bottom.png | cake_inner.png | cake_side.png | cake_top.png | cloth_0.png | cloth_1.png | cloth_2.png | cloth_3.png | cloth_4.png | cloth_5.png | cloth_6.png | cloth_7.png | cloth_8.png | cloth_9.png | cloth_10.png | cloth_11.png | cloth_12.png | cloth_13.png | cloth_14.png | cloth_15.png | dragonEgg.png | fenceIron.png | flowerPot.png | thinglass_top.png | glass.png | itemframe_back.png | ladder.png | Fire and things! | IDK ANIMATION MAYBE? D: |