
  1. Ram Disk Creator Osx
  2. Create Ram Disk
  3. Ramdisk Creator
  4. Windows Create Ram Disk
  5. Ram Disk Creator Mac
  • Download holding area
  • iShowU temp storage
  • Xcode build folder


SoftPerfect RAM Disk is a high-performance RAM disk application that lets you have a disk on your computer entirely stored in the memory. As the memory is much faster than physical hard disks, storing temporary data on a fast in-memory disk achieves a higher performance. A simple RAM disk creator for Ubuntu-based Linux distributions. It's an easy setup wizard, which is Python-based and it's very simple.

  1. Gavotte Ramdisk is a simple RAMdisk creator software with few options to setup. To setup RAMDisk, the first thing you have to do is select the RAMdisk size. You can select the size from 16MB to 3GB. Then you can assign a Drive letter and select Media type from the following: RAM Drive, Fixed Media, and Removable Media.
  2. AMD Radeon™ RAMDisk is designed to work with any AMD or Intel-based platform with at least 512MB RAM and can be created using system RAM not already assigned to the O/S.

Make RAM Disk is an application that provides an easy way to create, format, and mount a RAM disk in one shot.

It requires Mac OS X version 10.4 or later. It will not work on 10.3 or earlier.

The settings window appears whenever you launch Make RAM Disk with the Option key held down.

What's a RAM disk?

Most disks (more accurately, volumes) are backed by some sort of permanent storage, such as an optical disc (as in CD and DVD), magnetic hard disk, or flash memory. In all of these cases, the data on the volume will persist after the computer is shut down, because it's been written to permanent storage. (Sometimes that isn't true, but it's very very rare.)

A RAM disk, on the other hand, has no permanent storage behind it. The data on the RAM “disk” is stored only in RAM (memory), and will be forgotten at shutdown.

Why would I want this?

A RAM disk is at least as fast as your hard drive, but temporary. You can use it as fast storage that won't interfere with hard drive I/O, and for anything you don't want to keep.

A RAM disk is great for screen-recording temporary files; if you use iShowU, see the Storage tab of its preferences. You can also put your Downloads folder (in Safari, Mail, Adium, etc.) on a RAM disk, since you won't always want to keep things you download.

But isn't it possible to lose data if it's only in RAM?

Yes. Don't leave anything on your RAM disk that you want to keep. As soon as you decide to keep something, copy it to some kind of permanent storage, such as your hard disk (especially if you're on a desktop Mac, since you never know when the power will go out).

The danger is less on a laptop, since a power failure isn't as likely to cause the machine to shut down (it will probably just switch to battery power), but there are still circumstances that can lose the contents of the RAM disk. These include kernel panics, depleted batteries, and accidentally clicking the Eject button in the Finder.

Ram Disk Creator Osx

How do I use it?

Just run it. By default, it creates a 64-MiB RAM disk named “RAM Disk”.


Create Ram Disk

SoftPerfect RAM Disk is a high-performance RAM disk application that lets you have a disk on your computer entirely stored in the memory. As the memory is much faster than physical hard disks, storing temporary data on a fast in-memory disk achieves a higher performance.

Ramdisk Creator

The program creates a virtual disk residing in the computer RAM accessible in Windows Explorer and other applications, allowing you to store any temporary information on this disk. Furthermore, Windows can be configured to use the disk for temp files, so the system and most other applications would store their temporary data on the fast in-memory disk. As Windows and third-party applications often create a large number of temporary files for a short time only, using a RAM disk will extend your hard disk’s life by sparing it from excessive reading and writing.

Modern computers are equipped with at least 4 GB of RAM, and most of the time there is a lot of unused memory that could be used as a high-performance alternative to the slower hard disk storage. This product lets you create any number of virtual RAM disks limited only by the memory available. You can also work with on-disk images and RAM disks associated with on-disk files to preserve your data between sessions.

Windows Create Ram Disk

The key features of SoftPerfect RAM Disk:

Ram Disk Creator Mac

  • Any number of RAM disks. In practice, up to 26 disks due to the number of drive letters available.
  • Any RAM disk size on 64-bit systems, up to approximately 3.5 GB on 32-bit systems.
  • Persistent RAM disks with associated on-disk images.
  • Volatile RAM disks whose contents disappears on shutdown.
  • Built-in disk image manipulation tools.