If you live in Sejong city, the iPin can help you get access to things like eMart & Homeplus online shopping, the public bike system, and online ticketing services like ticketlink/interpark (similar to ticketmaster), and others. Once you have it, the process of getting the iPin is not that long, but it can be a bit tricky. Postponement of IPIN 2020. Welcome to IPIN 2020. NEWS IEEE Sensors Special Issue on Indoor Localization: 2020-09-22: Five Off-line Tracks are Available Now: 2020-09.

  • The vision at iPin is to become the market leaders in the Capital Asset Management industry through our innovative thinking, use of the latest technology and our focus on client support. We strive to be the most reliable, affordable and specialized asset management partner to all our clients.
  • IPIN tries to fulfill the KISS principle. IPIN was developed to store and display PINs and passwords - no more and no less. So the focus is on simplicity, clarity and high level of security. Please don't hesitate to contact us regarding any questions, comments or feature reuests - just send an email to iPIN@ibilities.com.

This interface is exposed by all input and output pins.

The filter graph manager uses this interface to connect pins and perform flushing operations. Applications can use this interface to query the pin for information. Applications should never call IPin methods that change a pin's state, such as Connect, Disconnect, BeginFlush, or EndFlush. To connect pins, an application must use the methods in IGraphBuilder.

Filter developers: The CBasePin, CBaseInputPin, and CBaseOutputPin classes implement this interface. Other base classes derive from these three classes.



The IPin interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. IPin also has these types of members:



The IPin interface has these methods.

IPIN Conference

IPin::BeginFlushThe BeginFlush method begins a flush operation.
IPin::ConnectThe Connect method connects the pin to another pin.
IPin::ConnectedToThe ConnectedTo method retrieves a pointer to the connected pin, if any.
IPin::ConnectionMediaTypeThe ConnectionMediaType method retrieves the media type for the current pin connection, if any.
IPin::DisconnectThe Disconnect method breaks the current pin connection.
IPin::EndFlushThe EndFlush method ends a flush operation.
IPin::EndOfStreamThe EndOfStream method notifies the pin that no additional data is expected, until a new run command is issued to the filter.
IPin::EnumMediaTypesThe EnumMediaTypes method enumerates the pin's preferred media types.
IPin::NewSegmentThe NewSegment method notifies the pin that media samples received after this call are grouped as a segment, with a common start time, stop time, and rate.
IPin::QueryAcceptThe QueryAccept method determines whether the pin accepts a specified media type.
IPin::QueryDirectionThe QueryDirection method gets the direction of the pin (input or output).
IPin::QueryIdThe QueryId method retrieves an identifier for the pin.
IPin::QueryInternalConnectionsThe QueryInternalConnections method retrieves the pins that are connected internally to this pin (within the filter).
IPin::QueryPinInfoThe QueryPinInfo method retrieves information about the pin.
IPin::ReceiveConnectionThe ReceiveConnection method accepts a connection from another pin.



Minimum supported clientWindows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported serverWindows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target PlatformWindows
Headerstrmif.h (include Dshow.h)